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Release Notes for R139

Brainstorming new Ideas, transfer meetings, and create agendas more easily. 1/28/19

Emily Zaehring avatar
Written by Emily Zaehring
Updated over a week ago

Ideas module for Brainstorming

Problem: You want your audience to create their own ideas and then vote on them, but don’t want to copy-paste the results.

Solution: Use our new Ideas module with upvoting!

In the Ideas module, you can set up a separate brainstorm for your topic. Then your audience can submit their own solutions or suggestions to the topic. They can also vote on the ideas.

It’s easy to do brainstorming on more than one topic. Just set up a separate Brainstorm for each topic. 

To keep people focused, you can hide the other brainstorms until you’re ready to move on. (It’s also just fine to have more than one brainstorm going on at once.)

When you create a new brainstorm, you have several different options. Begin with a question or title for this brainstorm. You can include more details in the more information section (collapsed in attendee view by default.)

As in Q&A, you can use moderation to have control of which suggestions go out to the group. Upvoting is a great way to get feedback. Downvoting is an option to use with care. Sometimes people get discouraged if their idea has many negative votes (instead of no upvotes.) 

Comments are great for expanding on ideas, and for the presenter to respond. 

To moderate ideas, go to the Submitted tab and click “Approve” or “Reject”. By rejecting some suggestions, you can keep people focused on the subject at hand. 

Once approved, an idea goes out to the whole audience. When you are finished discussing that idea, you can click “Done” to put it in a collapsed folder. Alternatively, if it’s a suggestion you don’t want to consider right now, you can click “Later” to find something to follow-up on. You can also un-approve a suggestion if you approve it by accident.

Replies are a great way for the presenter to ask for more details from the person who suggested the idea.

You can also get a CSV of the brainstorm by clicking on “MORE”. Settings allows you to re-open the brainstorm creation window so you can rename it or change the options.

Just to the left of the Settings button, is Broadcast. If you have a shared screen (like a projector), you can use the Broadcast view for the brainstorm to show the most recently submitted ideas. 

You can use the Broadcast button on a specific Idea to focus on it.

That will update the Broadcast view automatically:

Update to Users & Roles

Problem: You want to run a meeting yourself but have someone else set it up for you.

Solution: Use our new transfer meeting option.

In addition to the other roles, you can now transfer ownership of the meeting to another user in your organization. When you transfer ownership, that person will be able to do everything the original owner could do. 

The original owner will be added as a “manager” of the meeting. They won’t be able to change meeting settings or start the meeting, but they can still do everything else. For example, they can add polls, run raffles, respond to questions, create new brainstorms and upload materials.

Better Agenda Submission

Problem: You want to set up a basic agenda, but the session submission is overwhelming.

Solution: We’ve made adding sessions easier
By default, we’ve hidden the advanced bookable settings, so it’s easy to set up a simple agenda. All you need is the date, time and title for your session.

You can preview your sessions in Presenter view:

And here’s how your attendees will see it:

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