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Release Notes for R144

Animated GIFs and images in the welcome message, poll results in surveys and basic brainstorming for free. Released 4/9/19

Emily Zaehring avatar
Written by Emily Zaehring
Updated over a week ago

Poll results in surveys

Problem: You want to show attendees who respond to your exit survey the results of the whole group.

Solution: Use Show Results with your multiple choice polls

When you run a single-answer or multiple-answer poll by itself, you can choose “Results Shown” to share the whole audience’s reactions on the attendee’s devices. We’ve now expanded that capability to in-meeting and standalone surveys.

Results from other poll types are not available in attendee view surveys at this time.

Use Pages for Welcome screen

Problem: You want to use images or animated GIFs on your welcome message

Solution: Now create a page in Materials and use it as the welcome message!

Start by creating a new page in Materials. Choose the images you like and select Show on joining

The first thing that your attendees will see is your welcome page, exactly as you formatted it.

If they want, your attendees can look at the welcome page again by going to Materials. (To prevent this, simply hide the welcome message in Materials.)


Q&A Presenter View now matches Broadcast View

Problem: You’re moderating Q&A and it’s hard to mark questions as answered because of the volume questions.

Solution: Have the speaker answer the top question in feed view and check off the top question when they finish with it.

Now both presenter view and the feed broadcast view show the questions in the order of most upvoted, followed by most recent.

Basic Brainstorming

We've created a basic version of our Ideas module that's available to everyone with a Basic (free) account. Now you can create a single brainstorm and have your audience suggest ideas.

Upgrade to a paid plan and you can enable upvoting, comments and moderation. Pro plans and higher can share the ideas in a broadcast view and download them in a CSV report.

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