Our Materials module allows you to share more information with your audience.
Add any https link you like to your meeting. This can be good for "donate" buttons, external websites, social media and more.
You can also upload files from your computer. Each file must be smaller than 16 MB. You're also limited to the following file types:
Images: JPG, PNG, GIF
Archives: ZIP, RAR, 7Z
MS Office files (XLSX, DOCX, PPTX, etc.)
You can also embed external content into MeetingPulse using iFrame embed (e.g., video players). Note: Compatibility depends on individual website policies.
You can also add content to your meeting with custom Pages. Pages are custom slides that will show on attendees’ screens. You can use the WYSIWYG editor to make your information pop.
Write or copy the page text into the Page Content box. Then you can add formatting by selecting the text.
Welcome Messages
You can use one of your pages as a Welcome Message, by clicking Show on Joining. Attendees will see this page first and must click "continue" to enter the app.