Text Mark-up
MeetingPulse allows for a variety of text formatting in polls, Q&A, announcements, and more.
Here are some of the common markup options that are available, but we frequently add new options. Contact support if you’re interested in learning more!
[i] italic [/i]
[b] bold [/b]
[u] underline [/u]
[large] larger text [/large]
[small] smaller text [/small]
[sup] superscript text [/sup]
[sub] subscript text [/sub]
[br] – a new line
[color=red] red text [/color]
[my link](https://help.meet.ps) – a custom link: my link
[customData="dataLabel"] - add data from attendee upload file
[customData="dataLabel"|fallback] - use data from attendee upload file or show fallback text
You can use any of the browser color names to control the color of text. This site has swatches of each color.
Names for Reds, Pinks, Oranges, and Yellows
Reds | Pinks | Oranges | Yellows |
Red | Pink | LightSalmon | Gold |
DarkRed | LightPink | Coral | Yellow |
Crimson | HotPink | Tomato | LightYellow |
IndianRed | DeepPink | OrangeRed | LemonChiffon |
LightCoral | MediumVioletRed | DarkOrange | LightGoldenrodYellow |
Salmon | PaleVioletRed | Orange | PapayaWhip |
DarkSalmon | SeaShell | Moccasin | PeachPuff |
FireBrick | MistyRose | PaleGoldenrod | Khaki |
| DarkKhaki |
Names for Greens, Blues, and Purples
Greens | Blues | Purple |
GreenYellow | Aqua | Lavender |
Chartreuse | Cyan | Thistle |
LawnGreen | LightCyan | Plum |
Lime | PaleTurquoise | Violet |
LimeGreen | Aquamarine | Orchid |
PaleGreen | Turquoise | Fuchsia |
LightGreen | MediumTurquoise | Magenta |
MediumSpringGreen | DarkTurquoise | MediumOrchid |
SpringGreen | CadetBlue | MediumPurple |
MediumSeaGreen | SteelBlue | RebeccaPurple |
SeaGreen | LightSteelBlue | BlueViolet |
ForestGreen | PowderBlue | DarkViolet |
Green | LightBlue | DarkOrchid |
DarkGreen | SkyBlue | DarkMagenta |
YellowGreen | LightSkyBlue | Purple |
OliveDrab | DeepSkyBlue | Indigo |
Olive | DodgerBlue | SlateBlue |
DarkOliveGreen | CornflowerBlue | DarkSlateBlue |
MediumAquamarine | MidnightBlue | MediumSlateBlue |
DarkSeaGreen | RoyalBlue | LavenderBlush |
LightSeaGreen | Blue |
DarkCyan | MediumBlue |
Teal | DarkBlue |
| Navy |
Names for Browns, Whites, and Greys
Browns | Whites | Greys |
Cornsilk | White | WhiteSmoke |
BlanchedAlmond | Snow | Gainsboro |
Wheat | HoneyDew | LightGray |
BurlyWood | MintCream | Silver |
Tan | Azure | DarkGray |
RosyBrown | AliceBlue | Gray |
Peru | GhostWhite | DimGray |
Chocolate | WhiteSmoke | LightSlateGray |
SaddleBrown | OldLace | SlateGray |
Sienna | FloralWhite | DarkSlateGray |
Brown | Ivory | Black |
Beige | AntiqueWhite |
| Linen |