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Engagement Reports

Custom PDF reports for polling, brainstorming, Q&A, Selfies and more

Emily Zaehring avatar
Written by Emily Zaehring
Updated over a week ago

I’m excited to introduce our new Engagement Reports. The Engagement Report has data and insights that help you have better events and meetings. It allows you to control the PDF view and makes it easier to share report views with your teammates.

Tip: The Report button is available during in-progress meetings so you can check out the engagement reports without ending your meeting. 

More Insight 

The first thing you’ll notice is our Engagement Summary. Here you can see what portion of the audience voted, asked questions or posted ideas. You can compare this with the overall engagement to see if a few people are very engaged or if everyone is slightly engaged.

Download attendee data for the meeting through the Summary section’s CSV downloads.

You also have the option to change the audience size. 

If you know your meeting actually had 200 people attend, but only 100 opened MeetingPulse, set the “attendees in the room” to 200. The engagement stats will be recalculated with an audience size of 200 for a more accurate picture of engagement.

Control PDF Reports

We’ve all had it happen to us… sometimes we don’t get to cover everything planned in a meeting. The Engagement Report allows you to select just the information that you care about. 

Did you focus on the first brainstorm and skipped the other brainstorms set up? No problem. Simply toggle those other brainstorms off and your report will show the depth of the meeting.

Did you set up some just-in-case polls but didn’t need to use them? Just deselect them in the Polls configuration.

By default, the Engagement report includes all engagement details in one report. This means you don’t have to do multiple exports to provide the data.

Share Report Setup

The Engagement Report's settings are attached to the meeting report. If you’ve shared the report with other admins, they’ll see what you created. This makes it easier to share the interactive report with managers who don’t necessarily want to know the MeetingPulse setup details.

Working with Engagement Reports

There are 3 main icons to look for in the Engagement Reports. 

The most important is the settings gear, at the end. This is where you control your engagement report. There will be separate settings for each module. This is Q&A, for example.

Next up is the CSV download icon. You can download CSVs for Q&A, Brainstorms, Polls and more.  

This example shows the options for Polls. The Results CSV shows audience-wide data. The Detailed Votes CSV shows each attendee's responses separately.

Finally, we have our full screen icon. Click on it to get a full-screen view. Here you can see the options for Polls, for example.

In this example for Polls, the Print-Friendly Results option will give you the audience-wide information, as was available in the Polls Results section in the legacy reports. See how each attendee voted with the Print-Friendly Votes report.

Timeline and Participants

Finally, you can access the interactive Timeline graph through the Timeline and participants button at the top.

There you can also export Pulse data and download at individual poll responses.

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