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Release Notes R163

Released January 30, 2020

Emily Zaehring avatar
Written by Emily Zaehring
Updated over 5 years ago

Q&A comments preview 

Problem: Great conversations are happening in the comments, but attendees often don’t see it.
: We preview the newest and most-upvoted comments on the main Q&A screen 

While attendees are looking at the list of questions, they can now see 2 comments on each question. We include the top voted comment because that’s often the answer to the question.  

Including the most recent comment means that attendees can see the latest activity on each question. These update dynamically so attendees can follow more than one thread at once.

Confirm Answers on Standalone Surveys 

Problem: Attendees are confused by the auto-save in standalone surveys and worry about not sending the results
: Have a reassuring "submit" button  

We have heard that your attendees can be confused that there is no “Submit” button on our standalone surveys, so we decided to make it a little more comfortable. Now attendees can click on a “submit” button when they’re done with the questions.  

Standalone surveys will continue to auto-save when each attendee responds to a poll, so it’s not necessary for attendees to hit the submit button.

Add images to horizontal polls 

Problem: Your images are too tall to fit on the screen and require attendees to scroll. Solution: Use image polls with the horizontal option so there's enough space 

In a previous release, we added the option to turn your multiple-choice polls horizontal. Each answer will be side-by-side instead of stacked on top of each other.  

For this release, we’ve added the ability to create image polls horizontally.  

This is ideal for cases when you have several tall, narrow images. Instead of forcing attendees to scroll while selecting their answers, horizontal image polls make use of the full width of the phone. You can see all images fit on one screen, instead of forcing people to scroll down.

Use numeric keyboard for login 

Problem: It's easy to tap accidentally on a letter instead of a number in the standard keyboard
Solution: Now we bring up the numeric keyboard instead. 

The standard keyboard has smaller buttons than the numeric keyboard. If you’re entering the personal code, it’s easier to do on a number pad. So we’ve changed the default. If your attendee code is just numbers, then you’ll get the numeric keyboard automatically when entering the code. 


Ideas: Hide ideas I rated 

Problem: When using 5-star voting, attendees are supposed to rate every idea but they can’t find the unvoted ideas.  

Solution: Attendees can turn on “hide ideas I’ve rated” to see only the ideas they haven’t voted on yet. 

In a great brainstorming session, the ideas can come at you fast. We wanted to make it easier for attendees to track and rate the ideas. By hiding the ideas you’ve already considered, you can focus on the newest and top voted ideas.  

Once you vote on an idea, it will be removed from your main list. Ideas that you submit count as having been “rated”, since you can’t vote on those. 

Click on the slider icon next to the tabs to open the options. Then turn on “HIDE IDEAS I RATED”. 

Once the attendee has hidden their rated ideas in one brainstorm, it will change it for all their brainstorms, including other meetings! They can disable this option at any time.  

Ideas: Rated view 

Problem: I’ve hidden my rated ideas so I can’t see my suggestions 

Solution: Look at the Rated tab. 

Attendees have 3 different sorting views. By default, attendees see the highest rated ideas first. They can switch to “Newest” to see the ideas most recently submitted. Finally, the new Rated tab shows which ideas have already been rated. This is most helpful with the “hide ideas I’ve rated” option enabled.

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