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Release Notes R244

Here are the key changes in this release

Jasmin Murcia avatar
Written by Jasmin Murcia
Updated over a week ago

Changes to the "Sort" and "Filter" Selectors:

"Sort by" Dropdown: We have added a dropdown menu to the "Sort by" option, allowing attendees to choose between "Top score" and "Newest First or Newest Last" sorting options. This provides flexibility in how they view and prioritize submissions.

"Filter" Options: We have introduced new filtering options to refine the view of submissions. You can now select "Hide my votes" to hide submissions that you have voted on or "Only show my votes" to display only the submissions that you have voted on. When either of these filters is active, the filter icon will be highlighted to indicate the applied filter.

Improved Layout and Icons:

  • Increased Space: We have increased the space between the name of the submitter and the time the question was submitted. This adjustment enhances readability and improves the overall visual appeal of the interface.

  • Comment Icon Update: We have replaced the '>' symbol with a dedicated comment icon. This change provides better visual clarity, indicating that clicking the icon will lead you to the area where you can add comments.

Comments color indicator in Q&A:

  • Active comment thread Indicator: When an attendee has commented on a submission, the comment number and icon will now appear in your account's primary color.

    This visual cue helps you and your audience quickly identify submissions with active discussions.

  • Inactive comment thread: In cases where no comments have been made on a submission, the comment icon will now appear in grey with a '+' sign. This visual representation encourages participants to initiate conversations and add their insights to the submission.

Download Bookings from Schedule

Now, within the Schedule module, you have the ability to download a CSV file containing essential details of all session bookings.

With the "Download Bookings" feature, you can now gather and analyze booking data easily. This information is invaluable for various purposes, such as managing attendance, monitoring session popularity, generating reports, and ensuring a seamless event experience.

We are confident that the "Download Bookings" feature will greatly enhance your ability to gather and leverage critical booking information.

As always, your feedback is essential to us, so please feel free to reach out to our support team with any suggestions or questions you may have.

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