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Q&A Settings

This is a guide to the settings in the Q&A module. Choose settings before starting the meeting

Emily Zaehring avatar
Written by Emily Zaehring
Updated over 2 months ago

Add translated version of topic

If the meeting has multiple languages, you can add translated versions of your Q&A within the settings. This way, if an attendee has their app in a different language, the Q&A will be in the appropriate language. Learn more about translation

Voting modes

Select between 4 voting modes:

Upvoting only

Upvoting allows other attendees to upvote questions to push them up the list, this can be a good indicator of how important that specific question is, and how relevant it is to other attendees.

Upvoting can also be used to eliminate duplicate questions, so attendees can upvote a question instead of asking it again.

Upvoting & Downvoting

Upvoting & Downvoting allows attendees to further sort questions, giving them the option to react both positively and negatively to other submissions. In this mode, submission scores can be negative.

5-Star Rating

This allows attendees to rate each submission on a scale of 1-5.

No voting

Votes cannot be sorted by popularity.

Allow anonymous submissions

This allows attendees ask their questions anonymously (even if they entered their name when they joined the meeting). This will create an toggle on the attendee side to send their messages as "Anonymous"

Enable Moderation

Moderation allows an administrator to control which questions attendees see. The moderator will see all questions that attendees submit. The moderator can edit those questions, reject them, or approve them.

After a question has been approved, attendees will see it on their screens. Only approved questions are available to the Broadcast View.
• Meetings with moderation go more smoothly if someone other than the speaker does the moderating.
• If you don’t acknowledge their questions, attendees will pay less attention to what the speaker is saying. Try to only reject inappropriate or offensive questions.
• Use Comments to reply to questions you don’t have time to cover so attendees feel heard.

Disable comments

Comments allow attendees and the moderator to reply to submitted questions. This setting turns off those comments.
• Comments allow for more interaction and group discussion.
• The moderator can use comments to communicate directly to an individual attendee about their question.

Notify of new questions by email

You can send all of the submitted questions to a single email address. A different email is sent for each question and it is sent as soon as the question has been asked.
• Use this with pre-meeting questions to alert you to the questions before the meeting starts
• You can send this to a group email address so multiple people are notified.
• Use this to automatically send a record of all the questions to someone who doesn’t have admin access to the reports.

Hide submissions

If you want to prevent attendees from seeing all the questions on their personal devices, you can use this option. Attendees will be able to see the questions that they have submitted, but not questions submitted by anyone else.
• Use Broadcast view to show attendees the question under discussion
• Attendees will not be able to upvote questions because they cannot see them.

Allow new submissions

By default, all attendees are allowed to submit new questions. Turn this settings off to stop receiving submissions and make the Q&A read-only.

Hide votes total

Hide total number of votes from attendees, so they can only see the votes that they contributed. Attendees can still vote and presenters can still see totals.

Set attendee defaults to newest last

Set participant default sort order to show new questions at the bottom of the screen. This will override any sorting based on votes.

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