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Create multiple personalized agendas in Schedule
Create multiple personalized agendas in Schedule

How pre-booking works in Schedule or how to create multiple personalized agendas for invited attendees

Emily Zaehring avatar
Written by Emily Zaehring
Updated over a month ago

When running an event you might want to have different agendas for multiple groups of your attendees. You achieve this in MeetingPulse Schedule by using attendee codes.

Long story short, there are just 4 steps:

  1. Create all sessions and make "bookable" those that are group-specific

  2. Prepare a list of all attendees and upload

  3. Export a list of all attendees with generated unique codes

  4. Divide attendees into groups and assign them with bookable sessions and again upload the list

Now let's get into the details.

Create all sessions and make "bookable" those that are group-specific

Suppose, you have 2 sessions ("Session A: Best ways to upsell" and "Session B: How to work a lead") . You divide your audience into 2 groups ("Support" and "Sales"). You want Support to attend Session A, while Sales should go to Session B. In this case you need to make both sessions bookable. When creating Session A and Session B, check the "Bookable" box. If you're using CSV file to build the schedule make sure to set to "true" in the "bookable" column for both sessions.

Prepare a list of all attendees and upload

It's important to have a list of attendees in the system before allocating the sessions. Please go to Settings -> Attendees -> Add attendees and read this article on how to upload attendees into your meetings. Under Settings > Access and Identity make sure to enable Access codes so each attendee has their own code to enter the meeting.

Export a list of all attendees with generated unique codes

Now you need to export a CSV file with attendees and sessions. From the Attendee List (Settings > Attendees > Attendee List) click "Download attendees CSV"

Please note: we recommend using Google Spreadsheets or any CSV file editor to edit these CSV files. Do not use Excel as it automatically adds errors.

When you open the file in your CSV editor, you'll notice that the CSV file has 2 columns for both sessions with their IDs.
​Allocate the sessions and again upload the list
In order to assign Session A (upselling) to an attendee from the group Support, you insert a "1" in the row for that attendee in the column labeled Session A.

Now upload the updated file. Go back to the Add Attendees page (Settings > Attendees > Add Attendees) and click "Select file".

You can use Invite by email to send your attendees their unique access code.

Once attendees join the meeting, in Schedule, they will only see the session in which their group was assigned.

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