By default, poll results are shown in both Attendee and Broadcast view. However, if you don't want attendees to see each other's answers, here are some different ways you can hide the results from Attendee view and/or Broadcast view:
Individual poll settings
Individual poll controls
Poll module settings
The first way you can "Hide results" is on an individual poll level. This setting appears when you are creating the poll, or when you go in to edit the poll. Toggling this on hides the poll results from both Attendee and Broadcast view. Users in both views will still be able to see the poll question, and attendees will be able to see their response.
The next way to hide results is in the controls on the poll in Presenter View. Here, you can control the visibility of the Broadcast view and the results of the Attendee View separately.
To do so, navigate to the upper right hand corner of an individual poll. There you will see 2 icons with either a green check mark, or a red slash through them.
Click the icon to make the poll and results hidden in Broadcast view or the results hidden in Attendee View. When they are hidden, there will be a red slash through the icon.
If the Hide Results toggle (method 1) is enabled while the controls are on (green checkmarks), it overrides the Attendee view (checkmark changes to a slash in icons), and hides the results in Broadcast view (icon remains as a checkmark, because the poll question remains in BV).
Finally, if you are sure you want to hide the results for all of your polls, you can do so by navigating to the Poll & Surveys Settings, in the upper left-hand corner of the Presenter side.
Once in the settings, toggle on "Never show results in attendee view", to make "results hidden" in the Attendee View. By default, results will be hidden in the Broadcast View, but you can still control this individually per poll.