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Radar Charts

Use our new Radar Charts with Grid Polls. These spider charts allow you to compare multiple metrics at once.

Jasmin Murcia avatar
Written by Jasmin Murcia
Updated this week

Our grid (or multi-rate) polls allow you to rate something on several different metrics. This can be good for performance reviews among other use cases.

Attendee view of grid poll.

All qualities are rated on the same scale, and you can add text labels for it. In order to rate multiple people, you’ll want to duplicate the grid chart for each person so the settings match.

Grid charts have a special type of Broadcast view - the radar chart. From the top toolbar in presenter view, click Broadcast > Radar Chart.

This will launch a Radar chart, also sometimes known as a spider chart. There are two modes it can be in. One is to compare the median and average values for a single poll.

The other mode is to compare 2 or more grid polls with each other.

You can select the polls by clicking the gear in the upper left corner.

You can add as many grid polls as you like by selecting them one at a time. For viewing clarity, we generally recommend against more than 5 at once.

To go back to showing a single poll, click “(select another grid poll to compare)” in the second drop-down.

Radar charts in Attendee view

Use the Multi-rate polls to show the radar chart in attendee view

Now when people vote on grid multi-rate polls, a radar chart is shown automatically with the audience’s results and that attendee’s results. This is a great way to share the audience’s results with attendees.

The radar chart will appear automatically once the attendee has submitted their answer. If you choose to hide results on that multi-rate poll, the average line will not be drawn; each attendee will only see their own votes.

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