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Poll types

Multiple choice, NPS, ratings, free text word clouds and more

Emily Zaehring avatar
Written by Emily Zaehring
Updated over a month ago

Poll Types

Poll types available when you create a new poll

Single Answer:

A multiple-choice poll where attendees select only 1 answer. Works with: Quizzes, Image answers, Free text answers 

Multiple Answer

A multiple-choice poll where attendees can select as many answers as they want. Works with: Quizzes, Image answers, Free text answers

Preference Order

A list of answers that attendees drag and drop into the order they want. Works with: Image answers


Asks attendees to rate a question. You can customize the range anywhere between 0-10. 


Ask attendees to rate using the NPS system with smiley faces. Traditionally, this is used with 0-6 indicating that the respondent will not promote your event or product.


Ask attendees a yes or no question. 

Free text polls can be used to create word clouds.

Give attendees a text box to compose their own answers. 

The answers will generate a Word Cloud, visible in Broadcast view and in the final reports. Each answer is saved and can be retrieved in the reports. Note that because each answer will be unique, you will not get quantitative data in the reports

Grid/Multi-rating Poll Type 

Problem: You want your audience to rate many things, but don’t want to take up space.

Solution: Use a grid poll to communicate with your audience concisely

The grid poll allows you to set a text value for each of the rating scores. The grid rating polls stack on top of each other closely to make everything fit better on small screens.

Like basic rating polls, you can select whatever range you like. Like the multiple choice polls, you can include as many items as you want!

Note: The grid poll does not show up in the broadcast view. We’ll be adding spider graphs soon! 

Numeric Polls 

The new Numeric Poll type prompts the attendee to respond to your question with a number. You can get the results as an average or see individual results in a feed.

Pick a range for your attendees to guide their answers. You can even make it a quiz!

You can use this to add some fun to your event and get people engaged. Include pictures in the poll question to do something like this:

Ranked Choice Voting

Ranked choice voting allows participants to express their preferences more fully by ranking candidates or options in order. This method ensures that the winning choice has broad support across the entire group, not just a passionate minority

You can choose to require all options to be ranked or allow attendees leave out some options.

Ranked choice voting's versatility makes it applicable to various organizational scenarios, such as prioritizing projects, selecting leaders, or gathering feedback on products.

Point voting

Point voting, also known as dot voting, is a collaborative decision-making method used in MeetingPulse to prioritize options or ideas effectively. In this process, each participant is given a set number of votes or "dots" that they can allocate to different options displayed during the meeting. Participants can choose to cast all their votes for one idea or distribute them among several options. This simultaneous voting approach helps to eliminate biases and power dynamics, allowing for a more democratic expression of preferences within the group.

By default, everyone gets the same number of points to distribute. However, you can also upload custom point totals for each attendee. This gives some attendees' votes more weight than others.

Randomized Polls in Surveys

Randomized polls change the order that the polls show up end out on each attendee’s personal device.

Tip: Randomized polls work great with Consecutive Surveys. 

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